mercredi 27 décembre 2006

Somalie nouvelle marotte des Bush People, dans Le Monde aujourd'hui

La Somalie, la nouvelle guerre des Etats-Unis

L'International Herald Tribune écrit : "Pas découragée par les horreurs et les revers en Irak, en Afghanistan et au Liban, l'administration Bush a ouvert un nouveau front dans le monde musulman." Les quinze mille soldats éthiopiens, engagés "dans une guerre illégale d'agression" contre le pouvoir islamiste dans le sud de la Somalie, bénéficient "du plein soutien et de l'entraînement de l'armée américaine", souligne le quotidien américain. Le site français évoque "un coup de poker à haut risque" : "Aucun pays voisin, et surtout pas l'Ethiopie, un pays chrétien, ennemi traditionnel de la Somalie musulmane, ne doit recevoir un feu vert pour y intervenir." Les ambitions américaines en Afrique vont plus loin. Le Boston Globe révélait la semaine dernière que Washington va créer une force d'action rapide antiterroriste et humanitaire indépendante, baptisée "Africom".

Source: Le Monde Check-List, Newsletter 27/12/06

Ethiopia Closes In on Mogadishu
Aid workers say number of injured has surpassed 800; thousands of civilians flee villages in droves. Stephanie McCrummen

Editorial: War in Somalia
Another front in the fight against terrorism has exploded

(...) Earlier this month it pushed for a U.N. Security Council resolution that called for an end to foreign intervention, the deployment of a peacekeeping force and negotiations between the rival Somali governments. President Bush spoke yesterday with the president of Uganda, which had offered peacekeepers. Yet even while reiterating its call for negotiations, the administration also appears to be supporting the Ethiopian offensive: The State Department said that Ethiopia had a right to defend itself against the Islamists and that its troops were there at the invitation of a legitimate authority, the transitional government.
Maybe the Ethiopian forces will crush the Islamists and their al-Qaeda allies and thereby rescue the United States from its predicament. More likely, the administration will have to prepare for much more active U.S. engagement in what is emerging as a hot new front in the war on terrorism.

Source: Washington Post,

Somalia, si combatte ancora scatta l'emergenza umanitaria
Somalia, fallisce la controffensiva tentata oggi dalle Corti islamicheAl Palazzo di Vetro fallisce il negoziato per il ritiro dei militari stranieri
Truppe etiopi verso Mogadiscio e il Pam sospende i voli umanitari: gli scontri e l'emergenza alimentare mettono in ginocchio il Paese

Source: La Repubblica,

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