jeudi 10 janvier 2008

Galette of the Kings, a slice of French Culture

Chers Amis de la France !

As you know, France has many customs… mostly an excuse to gather, eat, drink and have fun together! And there is one great custom we have in January… la Galette des Rois… France being a laic country… we celebrate Epiphany… eating a great frangipane cake… France being a Republic… we celebrate epiphany by having a king…only for the day…only if you find the ‘feve’…
Now, of course, all this is not possible without something decent to drink with… and some fun and games…

So if you want to share a piece of cake…I meant… culture with us, please come along on the 19th January 2008 for our Galette des Rois, at the Alliance Française de Dublin, Kildare Street, from 14h00 as we welcome families and children…

This event is by invitation only so please book early!

Cost is minimal for members (as usual) with 10 euros per adult and 5 euros per children… If you are not yet a member (now this is bold…), add 5 euros… or join!!!

For more info and to book, visit
AFIment Votre

Xavier de Bustos
Vice-President AFI

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